Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Music and the Media

Most music that is in the mainstream media is considered to be the most popular music mainly due to the fact that record companies have made it so by paying dj's and radio stations enough to keep their artist's song on a current rotation several times a day. Now that doesn't mean that pop music is good music, most of the time it's the same thing, another strung out 16 year old disney actor turned singer who's got a number one hit on the radio because her label is pumping enough money that no one bothers to actually listen to it. Radio isn't made up of specific genres, but lumped together with the "top hits" so that within a 20 minute listening period atlas one of the songs you will know and maybe like.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Friday, April 2nd, 2010

The following email was sent to the 41,000 supporters of To sign up to receive free email alerts, click here.

Because of your actions, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency made an unprecedented and historic move yesterday toward curbing the devastating practice of mountaintop removal coal mining. The new policy, effective immediately for pending surface mine permits, stipulates that the practice of valley fills - which bury streams and poison Appalachia’s water sources - will not be permitted unless they meet a high standard.

While this is indeed a historic moment in the fight to end mountaintop removal, and we applaud the EPA for this decision, the policy itself could be overturned by a new presidential administration. We need to pass a law making it permanently illegal to pollute the waters of Appalachia.

As Senator Lamar Alexander said in a statement issued Thursday:

“The new EPA guidelines are useful in stopping some inappropriate coal mining in Appalachia but Congress still needs to pass the Cardin-Alexander legislation that would effectively end mountaintop removal mining.”

Please help us pass the Clean Water Protection Act and the Appalachia Restoration Act, two bills which are currently in the U.S. Congress, to ensure that no administration can overturn policy and allow mountaintop removal to continue devastating the communities and environment of Appalachia.

Contact your Congressional representative about the Clean Water Protection Act (H.R. 1310) and your Senator about the Appalachia Restoration Act (S. 696) TODAY and urge them to cosponsor these bills.

Our goal is to pass this legislation THIS YEAR — help us make this a reality by calling today!

Matt Wasson