Sunday, August 29, 2010

Online Identity

I think as a citizen of the internet that users have a certain responsibility to use the web in an ethical manner. While were in new ground when it comes to internet law, meaning that things aren't as black and white as with everyday life in the streets, anonymity gives people the opportunity to do, and say things that they normally wouldn't be able to do, since it's practically impossible to trace ones identity. For example with the sock puppet case where the mother posed as a 16 year old boy to seek revenge on her daughters ex-friend, she was able to toy with an insecure child's feelings, which ultimately led to her suicide. Even worse this wasn't illegal and if not for an accomplice's confession, the mom would have gotten away with it. As a society that has braced this awesome technology, we must not abuse this privilege. Facebook is an important tool in todays society, where everyone is connected to all things simultaneously, where we are confronted with multiple versions of what some consider the truth, we must be able to decipher and decide what is in fact real and not. It's a two way street where we should try to post the truth, while at the same time figure out what isn't honest.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Website Idea

So for my website for this class I am going to base it upon white water rafting and all of the aspects that concern this topic. Things like different rivers, classes of rapids, types of boats and gear, what to do when, so on and so forth. This is a very interesting topic to me and is relevant in my life because I'm a third year rafting guide on the Shenandoah and Potomac Rivers with River and Trail Outfitters. I think it will be easy to find 25 pages worth of content to fill a site and look forward to the challenge of building a website since this is going to be my first attempt.