Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Coding is hard

and I'm having trouble doing so but hopefully this week will be productive. Just like from what I saw on the Colbert Report today, the Muslim community center in NYC that has everyone up in arms looks cool as shit. Productivity, aka productive in society.

I mean seriously, it looks cool, it's better than than this:

an abandoned burlington coat factory.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Online Identity

I think as a citizen of the internet that users have a certain responsibility to use the web in an ethical manner. While were in new ground when it comes to internet law, meaning that things aren't as black and white as with everyday life in the streets, anonymity gives people the opportunity to do, and say things that they normally wouldn't be able to do, since it's practically impossible to trace ones identity. For example with the sock puppet case where the mother posed as a 16 year old boy to seek revenge on her daughters ex-friend, she was able to toy with an insecure child's feelings, which ultimately led to her suicide. Even worse this wasn't illegal and if not for an accomplice's confession, the mom would have gotten away with it. As a society that has braced this awesome technology, we must not abuse this privilege. Facebook is an important tool in todays society, where everyone is connected to all things simultaneously, where we are confronted with multiple versions of what some consider the truth, we must be able to decipher and decide what is in fact real and not. It's a two way street where we should try to post the truth, while at the same time figure out what isn't honest.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Website Idea

So for my website for this class I am going to base it upon white water rafting and all of the aspects that concern this topic. Things like different rivers, classes of rapids, types of boats and gear, what to do when, so on and so forth. This is a very interesting topic to me and is relevant in my life because I'm a third year rafting guide on the Shenandoah and Potomac Rivers with River and Trail Outfitters. I think it will be easy to find 25 pages worth of content to fill a site and look forward to the challenge of building a website since this is going to be my first attempt.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Music and the Media

Most music that is in the mainstream media is considered to be the most popular music mainly due to the fact that record companies have made it so by paying dj's and radio stations enough to keep their artist's song on a current rotation several times a day. Now that doesn't mean that pop music is good music, most of the time it's the same thing, another strung out 16 year old disney actor turned singer who's got a number one hit on the radio because her label is pumping enough money that no one bothers to actually listen to it. Radio isn't made up of specific genres, but lumped together with the "top hits" so that within a 20 minute listening period atlas one of the songs you will know and maybe like.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Friday, April 2nd, 2010

The following email was sent to the 41,000 supporters of iLoveMountains.org. To sign up to receive free email alerts, click here.

Because of your actions, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency made an unprecedented and historic move yesterday toward curbing the devastating practice of mountaintop removal coal mining. The new policy, effective immediately for pending surface mine permits, stipulates that the practice of valley fills - which bury streams and poison Appalachia’s water sources - will not be permitted unless they meet a high standard.

While this is indeed a historic moment in the fight to end mountaintop removal, and we applaud the EPA for this decision, the policy itself could be overturned by a new presidential administration. We need to pass a law making it permanently illegal to pollute the waters of Appalachia.

As Senator Lamar Alexander said in a statement issued Thursday:

“The new EPA guidelines are useful in stopping some inappropriate coal mining in Appalachia but Congress still needs to pass the Cardin-Alexander legislation that would effectively end mountaintop removal mining.”

Please help us pass the Clean Water Protection Act and the Appalachia Restoration Act, two bills which are currently in the U.S. Congress, to ensure that no administration can overturn policy and allow mountaintop removal to continue devastating the communities and environment of Appalachia.

Contact your Congressional representative about the Clean Water Protection Act (H.R. 1310) and your Senator about the Appalachia Restoration Act (S. 696) TODAY and urge them to cosponsor these bills.

Our goal is to pass this legislation THIS YEAR — help us make this a reality by calling today!

Matt Wasson

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Monday, March 29, 2010



Your primary VALS™ type is Experiencer, and your secondary type is Innovator.
The primary VALS type represents your dominant approach to life. The secondary classification represents a particular emphasis you give to your dominant approach.
Experiencers are motivated by self-expression. Young, enthusiastic, and impulsive consumers, Experiencers quickly become enthusiastic about new possibilities but are equally quick to cool. They seek variety and excitement, savoring the new, the offbeat, and the risky. Their energy finds an outlet in exercise, sports, outdoor recreation, and social activities.

Experiencers are avid consumers and spend a comparatively high proportion of their income on fashion, entertainment, and socializing. Their purchases reflect the emphasis that they place on looking good and having "cool" stuff.

I agree with the VALS Survey. I am always trying to do new cool things, for example, my job as a white water raft guide has led me to buy new gear which will keep me looking awesome on the river. I like to buy things that help me go outside and have new experiences, from mountain biking, to fishing, I like to have the coolest gear. I also do a lot of photography and try to have the coolest cameras and lenses along with newer software to edit my work. I have a bunch of different hobbies and try to do as much as possible while I am still alive. Carpe Diem.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

How to Analyze an Advertisement

1. What is the general ambience of the advertisement? What mood does it create? How does it do this?
The ad is trying to set an ambience of remorse and regret. By depicting trees as the lung of planet earth and showing deforestation acting like a cancer that is suffocating the world.

2. What is the design of the advertisement? Does it use axial balance or some other form? How are the basic components or elements arranged?
The advertisement relies heavily on the use of imagery to convey it's message.

3. What is the relationship between pictorial elements and written material and what does this tell us?
The words used in the ad "Before it's too late" summarize the feelings of the image in a very quick attention grabbing message. The words are in small print in the corner because the image is the dominant idea.

4.What is the use of space in the advertisement? Is there a lot of 'white space" or is it full of graphic and written elements?
The ad uses the entire space to grab a viewers attention. The image is such an attention grabber with the trees/lung being destroyed that the space is used to it's maximum potential.

5. What signs and symbols do we find? What role do they play in the ad's impact?
Trees are being used as a victim of deforestation. Killing trees is like doing damage to your lungs.

6. If there are figures (men, women, children, animals) what are they like? What can be said about their facial expressions, poses, hairstyle, age, sex, hair color, ethnicity, education, occupation, relationships (of one to the other)?

7. What does the background tell us? Where is the advertisement taking place and what significance does this background have?

8. What action is taking place in the advertisement and what significance does it have? (This might be described as the ad's "plot.")
Trees are the main way that carbon dioxide is converted back into oxygen, with the use of the trees being shaped into a lung, the message that if we continue to destroy forests, it's the same as suffocating the earth from the air we all depend on to breathe.

9. What theme or themes do we find in the advertisement? What is it about? (The plot of an advertisement may involve a man and a woman drinking but the theme might be jealousy, faithlessness, ambition, passion, etc.)
This ad is from an environmental point of view, it sets a theme of sadness, and regret. It's a warning to those who might not consider a green lifestyle to be pointless.

10. What about the language used? Does it essentially provide information or does it try to generate some kind of emotional response? Or both? What techniques are used by the copywriter: humor, alliteration, definitions" of life, comparisons, sexual innuendo, and so on?
The message is trying to invoke an emotional response to a persons inner feelings about the earth and eco-responsibility.

11. What typefaces are used and what impressions do they convey?

12. What is the item being advertised and what role does it play in American culture and society?
The item being advertised is more of an idea or warning of the things to come, this is especially important in American culture and society today because this is a huge global issue.

13. What about aesthetic decisions? If the advertisement is a photograph, what kind of a shot is it? What significance do long shots, medium shots, close-up shots have? What about the lighting, use of color, angle of the shot?
The photograph itself is a large scale shot, it uses awesome shades of green and brown with a downward angle as if the viewer were god looking down at earth's lungs being destroyed.

14. What sociological, political, economic or cultural attitudes are indirectly reflected in the advertisement? An advertisement may be about a pair of blue jeans but it might, indirectly, reflect such matters as sexism, alienation, stereotyped thinking, conformism, generational conflict, loneliness, elitism, and so on.
This ad is confronting the political and environmental issues that face our world today. Global warming is a huge issue that needs to be taken care of "before it's too late"

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Friday, February 26, 2010

Blog Use Motivations

What are the main reasons why so many people around the world blog? Before the age of the internet it was difficult for the average person to broadcast their personal views, and opinions on things like the government and media. With the use of a blog one is able with the power of free speech to say whatever they want to without having any interference. Most bloggers have a need to express what is going on in their world and with the power of the internet this is possible. Now that doesn't mean that all blogs provide factual arguments, or complete ideas, it just means it is feasible within a few mere minutes to join a blogging site, set up a blog, and then write from a personal point of view how their world is operating. With the ability to create a blog with a certain tone comes the ability to target a blog towards a specific audience which is able to follow stories that the mainstream media might not follow either, for an extended period of time, or at all.

This study identified that there were 10 blocks of reasons for blogging; Blog Presentation/Characteristics, Personal Fulfillment, Expression/Affiliation with bloggers and blog users, Information seeking, Intellectual/Aesthetic Fulfillment, Anti-Traditional-Media Sentiment, Guidance/Opinion seeking, convenience, Political Surveillance, and Fact Checking. So through these means of blogging, the mass public for once is empowered by the opportunity to choose what they want to read in a manner of how they want it presented to them. Blogging is the new alternative to mass media while strangely still being a small part of media in itself. "Blogs are defined as what they are not, Traditional Media." Blogs are a way of keeping traditional print, TV, and radio in check because they are not controlled by major corporations. Blogs don't have alternative motives to try and tell a story in the same specific manner, they are able to change instantaneously. The ability to evolve from what the mainstream media continues to do the same way in one of the major reasons why blogs have become so popular on the internet around the world in this day and age.

Media and War

This is a reaction to Rules of Engagement: Journalism and War by Stuart Allan and Barbie Zelizer from the Book "A Media Studies Reader" edited by Kevin Williams. The text is discussing the struggles of journalists trying to tell a story during wartime with as much truth as possible. The difficulties of choosing sides, providing an unbiased story, and cover all relevant perspectives basically during hell on earth. A battlefield is continuously chaotic with things constantly happening and changing all around, making a job that was already complicated, ten times even more so. "When we find ourselves in very difficult situations, it's of our own choosing, but what is at stake is the need to tell people as much of the truth as you can." -john Burns Chief foreign corespondent for The New York Times. The very basic manner in which a journalist conducts themselves needs to be thought of before entering a war-zone. To lean towards patriotism and only providing one side of the story would be in direct violation of what journalists believe in, to provide factual, truthful, clear, and honest news from all perspectives. Allan and Zelizer analyze that when a journalist is assigned a story that conflicts with their own personal beliefs, that reporter will put aside their feelings in a professional manner as to not skew truth. "Journalists are expected to function variously during war; to be present enough to respond to what is happening, yet absent enough to stay safe, to be sufficiently authoritative so as to provide reliable information, yet open to cracks and fissures in the complicated truth-claims that unfold; to remain passionate about the undermining of human dignity that accompanies war, yet impartial and distanced enough to see the strategies that attach themselves to circumstances with always more than one side." To try and accomplish all of these goals/standards, during war is quite possibly on the hardest jobs out there. They go on to show how these ideals were put to the test during the recent Iraqi war when US and UK forces had journalists embedded within the soldiers on the front lines. "Embedding" might be a good way to capture the most vivid images and capture the action of a battle, however it rarely gives the public a full view of what is going on during the entire conflict. Often having reporters with soldiers provides the military with and instant PR service for the 24/7 media network to broadcast all around the world. Correspondents unfortunately begin to start using phrases like "we," and "us."

During the day and age that we now live in with 24/7/365 news where news networks compete for the most viewership, the best way to gain a larger audience is to have the most recent, breaking news. Typically whoever gets the most current, news-breaking news out there wins, but the problem with this strategy is that eventually news corporations who are out to win, sometimes will rush a story on the air without fact checking 100% of the sources, causing false information to be streamed to millions around the world. No where was the most recently evident that in the media's coverage of the Iraq war which was started in 2003 with false claims of Iraq's army and revered republican guard, preparing chemical and biological weapons for use against American troops. Along with claims that Saddam Hussein was hiding Weapons of Mass Destruction. In an interview with CNBC's Tina Brown, she talks about how the Bush Administration put a climate of fear or at least made journalists feel unpatriotic if they did not report in a manner which benefited the United States's point of view. When asked by CNN's Christiane Amanpour if she thought that there was any story that she felt she was unable to report, Brown replied "It's not a question of couldn't do it, it's a question of tone, It's a question of being rigorous. It's really a question of really asking the question. All of the entire body politic in my view, whether it's the administration, the intelligence, the journalists, whoever, didn't not ask enough questions for instance, about weapons of mass destruction. I mean, it looks like this was disinformation at the highest levels." Disinformation is false journalism in it's highest regard. Providing untrue, vague, and/or misleading information is exactly the type of reporting that has no place in media today. However channels like Fox News tend to broadcast news in a different tone that say a network like CNN. Fox news has it's own style of patriotic, and partisan delivery of story's during the main conflicts of the Iraq War. By referring to U.S. and British troops as "us," "we," "hero," and "liberators," ensuring that America was always fighting evil, dominating those who threaten american lives, and ensuring that the good guys always win. These view points stuck a chord with most republican ideals which led to Fox news running with a continuos theme of "irreflective, triumphalist style."

Reporting the news during war is extremely difficult, however I feel that in order to do so on a large scale, journalists must agree to try as best as possible during a major conflict to adhere to certain ethical guidelines. To ensure that the entire story is shown, being based on factual evidence without changing details or providing only one side of the argument. Journalists must provide the most newsworthy and critical information to the public as fast as possible without jeopardizing the truth. It is a very fine line that all reporters must walk, however a necessary one, to bring attention to conflicts that matter on a global scale to those who without the media, would have little to zero knowledge of the plights of those who cannot stand up for themselves. The best way to educate the public is to inform them on all that is happening, give them the facts in a clear manner and help them to form an intellectual unbiased opinion.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Monday, February 15, 2010

States by Religiousness

Pug Bread

Media Diary

All of the things that I have listened, and watched in the last week. From things like movies, tv, radio, videos on the internet and music.

All of the music that I listen to is tracked on last fm. to see visit http://www.last.fm/user/anti_mullet9

Movies in the last week: Zombieland, King of California, Food inc,

Radio: NPR's This American Life 2 hours.

TV: Superjail-Adult Swim-1 hr. Xaiver, Renegade Angel-Adult Swim-1hr. I shouldn't be alive-Discovery Channel-1hr.
Family Guy-Fox-30 Min. The Daily Show-Comedy Central-2.5hrs. The Colbert Report-Comedy Central-2.5hrs. Weeds-Showtime-1hr. Cash Cab-Discovery Channel-30min. Anthony Bourdain's No Reservations-Travel Channel-1hr. Washington Capitals Hockey-Comcast Sports Net-9hrs

Over the last week while keeping this diary, I have noticed how much time that I actually spend devoted to watching things. I didn't realize how much television I actually watch and it's something that I eventually would like to focus less of my time on. TV is a big part of my family's lives. While being home for a week because of snow there really wasn't a chance to get outside and I think this had an effect on how much TV that I was watching. I think it's time I turned off the TV and opened a good book instead!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Your Type is
Extraverted Intuitive Feeling Perceiving
Strength of the preferences %
44 38 38 44

ENFP type description by D.Keirsey
ENFP Identify Your Career with Jung Career Indicator™ ENFP Famous Personalities
ENFP type description by J. Butt and M.M. Heiss

Qualitative analysis of your type formula

You are:
moderately expressed extravert
moderately expressed intuitive personality
moderately expressed feeling personality
moderately expressed perceiving personality

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Learning Styles

Learning Styles Results

Results for: Matthew Embrey

11 9 7 5 3 1 1 3 5 7 9 11
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Learning Styles

Learning Styles Results

Results for: Matthew Embrey

11 9 7 5 3 1 1 3 5 7 9 11
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11 9 7 5 3 1 1 3 5 7 9 11
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11 9 7 5 3 1 1 3 5 7 9 11
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11 9 7 5 3 1 1 3 5 7 9 11
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